Saturday, June 30, 2012

fun with photoshop

I saw this idea on pinterest and had to try it!  My kids each drew a picture and then we combined those pictures and pictures of my kids to create these fun images!

Friday, June 29, 2012

The "F" family

Have you ever had one of those days when your kids just aren't cooperating?  Sadly, that  was what happened with this sweet family on PHOTO day.  The baby was soooo tired and the five-year-old just wanted to play.  But that's life, right?  We all tried super hard and were able to coax some smiles out of the kids. I think we got some really cute ones!

New newborn pose!

I finally figured out how to do this pose SAFELY (i.e. without actually hanging a baby from a tree branch) and had to try it out with my daughter!  She's obviously not a newborn anymore, but the ending result was SOOO cute!!  I'm so excited to try this pose with a new baby.  I just can't decide which I like more, the black and white or the color?

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Sweet Lilly

Can I tell you how much I loved this baby?  She was SOOO good.  My baby cries all the time.  Unless she's sleeping, of course, but she doesn't do much of that because she's too busy crying.  What a breath of fresh air to step into this newborn session with a baby that cry once.  I can't help but that that Heavenly Father knew that this mom needed a sweet and easy baby....her brothers are three and a half year old twins! 

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Grumpy Grumpy!

My daughter loves being a goofball in front of the camera.  It makes me angry.  And she gets upset when I'm angry (funny how that works, isn't it?)  You know how you always want pictures of your kids to be "perfect" and they have their own idea of what perfect is.  She had picked this flower and kept either holding it on her head, trying to eat it, smelling it while going get the point.  She got grumpier and grumpier the more I tried to tell her what to do.  Finally I just snapped these, even though she was practically gouging her cheek with stem. And wow!  Maybe she knew what she was doing after all!  What do you think about the texture on the bottom picture?  I think it's pretty cool, personally.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Baby "m"

Isn't this baby just precious!  She was so tiny and so sweet.  I loved the little headband that her mom brought!  Her grandmother made the pretty purple blanket and we all just oooh and aahed at her during the whole session.  And then we picked her up for some pictures with mom and dad and she just wasn't happy anymore :)  But I think we got some good ones anyway!