Can I exchange my print credit for the CD?

No.  The only package that includes digital images is the thrilled package.  Individual files may be purchased a la carte at $75 each.

I really just want the CD.  Do I need to order photos?

Yes!  You need to order photos!  I have seen that many of my clients who purchase the disc never actually print their photos.  They will upload them to facebook for their friends and family to see, maybe upload them to walgreens.com so their family can order a few.  And then they tuck the disc away in a drawer and never see the photos again.  Custom photography is an investment and should be enjoyed every day.  You deserve to have photos on your wall that make you smile every time you walk by them.  In addition, I really worry that the disc will get scratched and then you're left with no return for your investment.  For that reason, I offer a photo discount to all my clients who purchase the disc. 

What should I wear?

Whatever you want to.  When shooting on location, I like to have my clients move around a lot, so mini skirts and high heels might not be appropriate.  You might want to consider where your portraits will be hanging in your home.  For example, my living room is red.  I am currently planning a family photo shoot with red in it so it will match the décor of that room.  With that being said, click here for a GREAT article (with examples) about what to wear. 

I am expecting a baby and want to do maternity and newborn photos.  When should I schedule these sessions?

I have found that the best time to do maternity photos is when you are about 30 weeks pregnant.  By then you usually have a cute little belly and aren't swollen and sore and tired just yet.  I had mine done at about 38 weeks at a department store and I was HUGE.  Those photos are tucked away....

Because spending time with my family is my favorite thing to do, I have limited availability.  I try to do just one session per week.  That being said, let me know as soon as possible when your due date is.  That way I can pencil you in and know just how many family sessions to plan (this is especially necessary in the fall). 

Can I do a session with my extended family?  If so, do you charge extra?

Yes and no.  I don't penalize people for having families and loving them.  Families should be celebrated!  But this is where it gets tricky.  The minimum number of photos will remain the same.  Which usually means that we get some group photos with everyone, some group grandchildren photos, grandparents with grandchildren, a photo of each family...And depending upon how large your family is, that will most likely fill our time for the session.  Individual families are more than welcome to pay an additional fee for extra time for their families (for things like individual child photos and couple photos and things like that. 

What is portfolio building and how long will it last?

I have been learning about photography for YEARS!  I took my own newborn photos of each of my first three children and they never looked quite how I imagined them.  I kept studying and learning and decided that I needed to buy my first DSLR camera and did so in February 2012.  Two weeks later, I shot newborn pictures of my fourth child and posted them on facebook.  All of the learning and practice was evident and soon I had friends calling and wanting photos.  Denim and Lace Photography was born.  Portfolio building means that I am still a fairly new photographer.   I believe that my work is 90% on par with other more experienced photographers, but don't feel that I can charge a premium price if I am not using premium equipment. I am also a perfectionist and it bothers me that I'm missing that 10%.   Photography equipment and training is very expensive. With that being said, portfolio building prices will be around until October 1st 2013 (My fancy equipment is already purchased!  So any shots taken now will be premium quality at portfolio building price!)

What kind of training do you have?

The BEST kind...that of experience.  I have a master's degree in Hispanic Linguistics.  I taught Spanish at University School for 2 years and really loved it.  My FAVORITE thing was taking pictures of my kids to teach vocabulary words.  I found myself constantly thinking of ways to set up photographs that would teach my students.  It was great, but I missed my children terribly.  I ended up quitting just after my third child was born.  I, obviously, continued to photograph my children and looking for ways to improve.  I loved looking through magazines and online for photo tips.  Just before my 4th child was born, I bought my first DSLR.  "Lucky" for me, the baby was a terrible sleeper and I used those late night and early morning hours to learn how to use my camera and really get a great shot.  I took classes from Brooke Snow and Zach and Jody Photography.  When the incredibly talented Betsy Elsevier passed, I was given dozens of her photography books.   I also seek a lot of training online.  I try to learn something new every week. I am constantly working to improve and loving every moment. 

Do you mentor?

I do mentor.  I teach canon owners how to use their camera.  It is a two hour one-on-one session with me where I go over everything you need to know about aperture, shutter speed, and ISO.  You learn how they work together to create a perfect image.  We also go into white balance and how to nail perfect focus.  It's intended for a beginner.  It's a steal of a deal at just $150. 

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