Saturday, July 14, 2012

{the "w" family}

Can I tell you just how much I LOVED photographing these kids?  They were so good and so sweet.  What I loved most was watching how they interacted with each other.  They just oozed affection for each other.  Each of these pictures just melts my heart.

Monday, July 2, 2012


 Are you familiar with lifestyle photography?  I'm currently taking a class from Brooke Snow about how to really capture the "story" in your images and be able to portray emotion better.  This week, my homework assignment was to choose a character (my son) and take "detail" pictures of him that give us some information about who he is and his personality.  He just finished up first grade and has developed a true love for reading...ESPECIALLY Calvin and Hobbes.  His books are tattered and worn, missing pages, and one is even missing the cover. As a mother, I often overlook moments like this to photograph.  He's been reading well for over a year now and this is the first time I've taken out the camera and really tried to capture the details of this amazing time in my son's life right now.  I snapped many more pictures that what you see on the blog (the assignment limited me to 4), and every one of them makes my heart melt.  I will always treasure these images.