Wednesday, September 19, 2012


My beautiful sister came to visit all the way from Oregon.  She just happens to be expecting and so we had to photograph her!  Isn't she radiant?!?  I just love her.  She is already such a good mom to her little boy and I adore him.  I just know that she'll love this little baby just as much.  Want to know a little secret?  We did this session with FIVE little kids 7 and under running all over the place and two of them desperately wanting their mommies!  My 6 month old was even attached to my body via my baby bjorn carrier.  We just worked quickly :)  

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Glitzy glam

I am doing some product work for  I'm really enjoying this!  It takes me forever, though, because I'm oohing and aaahing over all their products.  I got the paradise polka keychain and love it!  Here are a few of the pictures I've done.