Monday, December 30, 2013

R&R's wedding

Happy month-iversary to these guys!  I can hardly believe that it's been that long!  I first met the bride's family 9 years ago when I moved to Kingsport.  When she was tiny.  She contacted me in October to see if  I'd photograph her wedding and I was so excited!  I did their family photos just a few months before and they are so great.  I have VERY minimal experience photographing weddings, so I prepared like crazy. And I'm very happy with the results! 

Her ring is so soft and delicate.  Her diamond is PINK! 
It took a few tries to get this shot....the poor guys....They were pretty tired when we were done.  But don't you think it was worth it?

He took a wrong turn on the way to the temple, so she was SUPER excited when he finally got there!  She broke away from her friends immediately and ran up to give him a huge hug. 
 This was an LDS wedding (Mormon) in Washington DC.  There is no photography allowed during the ceremony, so the moment when they come out of the temple is a big deal.  Obviously they were VERY happy. 


 Little kids aren't allowed, either.  So the bride's little sister was absolutely adorable as she ran up to hug Regan on her big day. 
 These four girls have been friends since they were tiny.  They all came up from far away to be there for the wedding!  How amazing to have friends like that. 
 Grandma and Grandpa came all the way from Arizona.  Grandpa couldn't stop taking pictures.  He was so proud of his daughter and her family. 
 Here are most of the bride and groom's brothers and sisters (and a brother in law and two nephews)!  He's one of eight and she's the oldest of five.  They're actually missing one who is serving as a missionary in South America.  SOOOO much personality here as you'll see in the next few photos!


Then everyone left and it was just the two of them.  And they were so sweet and so in love and so happy to be together!

 Both of their parents have a jumping photo in front of the temple.  So we HAD to do this one.  And, yes, we did this in one take.  I can't believe how high he got!

When we finished up photos, we went to the luncheon.  It was DELICIOUS.  The groom's aunt brought the flowers all the way from Utah.  And they were perfect!

Congratulations you two! 

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Super awesome announcement!

I have been saving for a REALLY long time to do some one-on-one mentoring with one of my favorite newborn photographers.  We finally set a date!  January 31st and Feb. 1st I will be mentored by the great Jennie Pyfferoen!  Check out her work.  It's amazing.  I'm so excited to learn from her!

Friday, November 8, 2013

Busy season!

It is BUSY season for photography!  Did you know that when a photographer says that they are "editing" a photo, it means more than just cropping it?  Most photographers shoot in RAW format which means that they "develop" the photos in the "digital darkroom."  Those who have been  doing this for years have the system down pat and can go through this process pretty quickly.  It used to take me forever (think 1 hour per photo) but I've gotten quicker.  Not quick enough to do a photo session every day, though!  So you'll have to excuse the lack of recent photos on here.  I'm playing catch up and hope to get back to blogging soon!  In the meantime, here is a before and after that you might enjoy. 

Saturday, September 14, 2013

The {P} family | Kingsport photographer

 I can't believe that I never posted these maternity photos!  I LOVE them.  We did them just before the sun went down and got some really beautiful shots with the sun peeking through the trees.  And these two were just so fun to be around.  They obviously love each other very much and were so excited for their baby to get here!

 And THEN I got to photograph her baby shower.  Which was a ton of fun.  All of her friends and family were so excited for her!

 And then he CAME!  And he's ADORABLE!  Get ready to see a bunch of him because I get to watch him grow up.  They're doing my "baby's first year" plan.  I'm so happy for them and they're going to do great with this whole parenting thing!