Monday, March 25, 2013

Baby {D} // Kingsport newborn photographer

This little baby was so sweet and so good.  But, seriously, I don't think I've ever seen a more wiggly baby!  His birth mother said that he never stopped moving while she was carrying him.  My fourth baby was super wiggly in the womb, too and also super wiggly when she got here.  Each little motion baby D made reminded me so much of her.  His parents have waited so long for a baby of their own and I know how difficult it was for them.  Every time his sweet mom would hold one of my babies, my heart ached for her to experience the joy of motherhood.  And now he's HERE and he's HERS and it's amazing.  When we first laid the baby down and he started wiggling (but never crying) his dad leaned in close to him and whispered in his ear and stroked his hair.  Baby D quickly relaxed and it was obvious that perhaps no little baby has ever been loved quite the same as this one.  I feel so honored to be able to capture these special moments in their lives. 

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Sweet {T} Kingsport Children's photographer

Two year olds are so unpredictable.  This little lady is so full of life and so LOUD!!  But as soon as I got my camera out, she zipped those lips and didn't say a word the entire time! I still think we got some stunners. 

Wednesday, March 6, 2013


I am so excited about my new packing!  I have these in sizes up to 11x14 and am just thrilled about it! 

Monday, March 4, 2013

Baby "K" // Kingsport newborn photographer

This sweet baby is so special to me.  Less than a year ago, her parents were holding MY baby and heard this quote "Fathers and mothers, next time you cradle a newborn child in your arms, you can have an inner vision of the mysteries and purposes of life. You will better understand why the Church is as it is and why the family is the basic organization in time and in eternity." from Boyd K. Packer in this talk   They looked at my Lauren and they looked at each other and knew that they should have a child.  But here's they thing....they already had FIVE.  And they felt strongly that they should have TWO more babies and that they were going to be boys.  So, here we are, eleven months later with baby number six.  And it's a GIRL!!!  What do you think?  Do you think they'll still try for two more boys?  This little baby is just so sweet and good that I think they just might.