Saturday, May 25, 2013

Baby "C" // Kingsport newborn photographer

I got a rather frantic email from this sweet baby's mom.  The newborn photographer that she'd hired was SICK the day of her shoot!  She wanted to know if I could fit her in just in case she couldn't reschedule with her other photographer.  I am SOO happy that I was able to photograph her.  She was a dream baby.  So good and so sleepy.  I don't think I ever saw her eyes once!  And check out that HAIR!!

Silhouette session

I had a GREAT time with these little guys! At first, every time I snapped a photo of miss "C,"  she'd come up to me and say, "Now what do you want me to do?"  If only every 3 year old were like that... we had a few minutes to kill while waiting for conditions to be right, and I caught a few photos of the kids.  What a fun little family. 

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Thursday, May 9, 2013

newborns // Kingsport Newborn photographer

I just realized that I haven't posted very many of my newborn photos!  Here are some of my favorites. 

Monday, May 6, 2013

The "H" Family // Kingsport Family photographer

Can you say, "heartbreakers?!?"  What a fun little family this is.  I LOVED being able to photography Mrs. L for her first year photos!

Silhouette mini session! Kingsport family photographer

I don't usually do these, so this is fun!