Did you know that I used to be a Spanish teacher before I became a photographer? Yup. Totally did that. I had a blast. But it was just too hard to be away from my kiddos all day, so I quit the day before my third child was born. The bride was one of my former students! I did her engagement photos this summer. It was so fun to see her as an adult and to see the man that she chose to spend the rest of her life with. He's really great and they're perfect for each other! They met at the Catholic Center at ETSU and that is where they decided to have their wedding.
He was so excited to see his beautiful bride walking down the aisle!
I asked her dad if he was nervous at all. He said, "no." He's an old hat at this. The bride is his fourth daughter!
This was a full Catholic wedding. And my first! I love seeing the importance that different religions place on marriage. The priest blessed their lives, their future children, and the rings.
Sheesh, these shoes were amazing...
The groom's parents held hands during the whole ceremony.
Just look at how he's looking at her! He ADORES her!
The Catholic wedding ceremony involves an entire mass. Which is kind of hard on the little kids :) It's so hard to be reverent when you're 4.
Flower petals are so much more interesting than watching your uncle marry the love of his life.
They used to take walks all the time around the Catholic Center. How perfect to take a little walk on their wedding day?
This is my favorite photo right here.
It was cold and her toes were freezing, so we didn't stay outside much longer....
....which is okay because there was a POOL table inside! And she had an amazing slit up her dress
These three guys are some of their greatest friends. I thought I was going to die when she told me that the one in the blue shirt is one of her best friends. He was a student of mine, too. Let's just say that he's matured a little since high school. I sat next to him during the reception and shared my chicken with him. The other two guys are really special friends. The couple was in Rome when the groom decided to pop the question. The guy in the green shirt was there to photograph it. He lamented that he only had an iphone. You'll often hear photographers tell you that the best camera you can have is the one you have with you. That is so true. I would much rather have iphone photos of my proposal than no photos at all (and, no, I don't have proposal photos).
We then headed to the Carnegie in Johnson City for the wedding reception. It was beautiful! I have never been there before! Check out these sweet cake toppers....
...and the fun cake.
Her ring is incredible. He did such a good job picking it out!
I'm finding that I really love photographing weddings. Everyone is so happy!
Just look at these photos!
The groom only has one sibling. What a special moment for them!
The groom told her that "Words can not describe how beautiful you look tonight." Wouldn't you agree? Congratulations!