Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Baby "O" | Kingsport newborn lifestyle photography

 This awesome mom is a good friend of mine.  And our kids are all good friends.  When she told me she'd never had maternity photos done I just about DIED.  These photos are so meaningful because it's like they're symbolizing the end of an era.  This was most likely her last pregnancy.  She didn't necessarily want portraiture.  She wanted to remember what it's like to be expecting a child and the joy that a new baby brings into your home.  I just KNEW that we had to do a lifestyle shoot.  A "day in the life" type of thing. 
 She's been working on this blanket for a long time.  We set up the shot and just as I was about to take it, the two-year-old climbed on the bed and started doing cannon balls.  Awesome.  Is this real life or what?

 These boys adore their mom! 
 I convinced her to do a few portraits and we stepped out into their backyard to snap these beauties. 

 Doesn't she look amazing?  Anyone who knows her knows that she actually felt awful.  Like, really bad.  Like, "I-can't-move-and-hate-being-pregnant" bad.  Which is what makes her so amazing to me.  As much as he hates being pregnant, she makes the sacrifice so her family can feel complete. 
And look how happy big sister is!  They LOVE him!

 And look at these lip!  Aren't they squishy!

 Grandma Rita has come to Tennessee for each of these little babies.  I think her hands contrasted with a tiny new baby is so beautiful.  And symbolic. 

 See?  Being pregnant is totally worth it once you meet your baby. 

 I think these next two photos are my favorites!

 They converted a corner of their bedroom into a nursery.  Isn't it awesome? 

We were going to do a family photo shoot in the fall, but it got really cold really fast.  So we decided to do one shot for the Christmas card and then do a session in the Spring.  They call this photo their "Christmas miracle."

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